200 Gram
Showing 1–12 of 21 results
Cakes sometimes referred to as “repeaters” or “multi-shot aerials”, a cake is an item that has a single fuse which is used to light several tubes in sequence. Cakes can have a variety of intricate aerial effects, including spinners, fish, flower bouquets, comets, crossettes, salutes, brocade.
America the Beautiful
12 shots of colors red, green, blue, purple and yellow effects that burst with glitter sparklers up above your very head
Angry Beaver
14 shots of blue, green, orange, pink, red and silver with the effects of glitter and crackling
20 shots, red, yellow, blue, pink and green bursts following into glitter dazzlers
Battery Barrage
15 shots of bright colors that flash through out the sky exploding into crackles and silver comet trials
36 shots, of green bling with purple stars and red with white and blue bling along with red and green bouquets with bling and crackle crackle bling
Forever Diamonds
35 shots, of Blue tails to golden glitter with golden glittering comet tails, crackling comet tails with a 7 shot finale